Powerfunk records
Image by Dan Hartney
About us

Powerfunk’s mission is to produce high-quality sound products.

Powerfunk started as a record label in 2000 and successfully managed five Northern Territory acts. The company has evolved from distributing music and managing bands to an all-around digital media content creator. Services today include audio and video production, editing and virtual reality filming.

Jack ‘of all trades’ Tinapple, director of Powerfunk, has a broad background in information technology, education, digital media and music. He worked as the Lecturer in New Media at Charles Darwin University (CDU) from 2004-2012 and produced online educational videos, games and content from 2012 to 2016 for CDU’s Innovative Media Production Studio.

Powerfunk is an expert in Darwin when it comes to providing live music and digital content solutions.

Clients have included:

Powerfunk records just about anything.